9.7 Some natural phenomena due to sunlight

The Interplay of light with things around us gives rise to several beautiful phenomena. The spectacles of colours that we see around us all the time is possible due to sunlight.

While studying dispersion of visible (or white) light by a prism (Class X) and the electromagnetic spectrum (Chapter 8, Class XII), we got to know that colour is associated with the frequency of light or the wavelength of light in the given medium. In the visible spectrum, red light is at the long wavelength end (~700 nm) while the violet light is at the short wavelength end (~ 400 nm). Dispersion takes place because the refractive index of medium for different frequencies (colours) is different. For example, the bending of red component of white light is least while it is most for the violet. Equivalently, red light travels faster than violet light in a glass prism. Table 9.2 gives the refractive indices for different wavelength for crown glass and flint glass. Thick lenses could be assumed as made of many prisms, therefore, thick lenses show chromatic aberration due to dispersion of light. When white light passes through thick lenses, red and blue colours focus at different points. This phenomenon is known as chromatic aberration.

The variation of refractive index with wavelength may be more pronounced in some media than the other. In vacuum, of course, the speed of light is independent of wavelength. Thus, vacuum (or air approximately) is a non-dispersive medium in which all colours travel with the same speed. This also follows from the fact that sunlight reaches us in the form of white light and not as its components. On the other hand, glass is a dispersive medium.

The blue of the sky, white clouds, the red-hue at sunrise and sunset, the rainbow, the brilliant colours of some pearls, shells, and wings of birds, are just a few of the natural wonders we are used to. We describe some of them here from the point of view of physics.

9.7.1 The rainbow

The rainbow is an example of the dispersion of sunlight by the water drops in the atmosphere. This is a phenomenon due to combined effect of dispersion, refraction and reflection of sunlight by spherical water droplets of rain. The conditions for observing a rainbow are that the Sun should be shining in one part of the sky (say near western horizon) while it is raining in the opposite part of the sky (say eastern horizon). An observer can therefore see a rainbow only when his back is towards the Sun.


ainbow: (a) The sun rays incident on a water drop get refracted twice and reflected internally by a drop; (b) Enlarged view of internal reflection and refraction of a ray of light inside a drop forming primary rainbow;

In order to understand the formation of rainbows, consider Fig. 9.25(a). Sunlight is first refracted as it enters a raindrop, which causes the different wavelengths (colours) of white light to separate. Longer wangelength of light (red) are bent the least while the shorter wavelength (violet) are bent the most. Next, these component rays strike the inner surface of the water drop and get internally reflected if the angle between the refracted ray and normal to the drop surface is greater then the critical angle (48° in this case). The reflected light is refracted again when it comes out of the drop, as shown in the figure. It is found that the violet light emerges at an angle of 40° related to the incoming sunlight and red light emerges at an angle of 42°. For other colours, angles lie in between these two values.

Figure 9.25(b) explains the formation of primary rainbow. We see that red light from drop 1 and violet light from drop 2 reach the observer’s eye. The violet from drop 1 and red light from drop 2 are directed at level above or below the observer. Thus the observer sees a rainbow with red colour on the top and violet on the bottom. The primary rainbow is a result of three-step process, that is, refraction, reflection and refraction.


secondary rainbow is formed by rays undergoing internal reflection twice inside the drop

When light rays undergoes two internal reflections inside a raindrop, instead of one as in the primary rainbow, a secondary rainbow is formed as shown in Fig. 9.25(c). It is due to four-step process. The intensity of light is reduced at the second reflection and hence the secondary rainbow is fainter than the primary rainbow. Further, the order of the colours is reversed in it as is clear from Fig. 9.25(c).

9.7.2 Scattering of light

As sunlight travels through the earth’s atmosphere, it gets scattered (changes its direction) by the atmospheric particles. Light of shorter wavelengths is scattered much more than light of longer wavelengths. (The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. This is known as Rayleigh scattering). Hence, the bluish colour predominates in a clear sky, since blue has a shorter wave- length than red and is scattered much more strongly. In fact, violet gets scattered even more than blue, having a shorter wavelength. But since our eyes are more sensitive to blue than violet, we see the sky blue.

Large particles like dust and water droplets present in the atmosphere behave differently. The relevant quantity here is the relative size of the wavelength of light λ , and the scatterer (of typical size, say, a). For a << λ , one has Rayleigh scattering which is proportional to 1/λ4 . For a >> λ , i.e., large scattering objects (for example, raindrops, large dust or ice particles) this is not true; all wavelengths are scattered nearly equally. Thus, clouds which have droplets of water with a >> λ are generally white

At sunset or sunrise, the sun’s rays have to pass through a larger distance in the atmosphere (Fig. 9.26). Most of the blue and other shorter wavelengths are removed by scattering. The least scattered light reaching our eyes, therefore, the sun looks reddish. This explains the reddish appearance of the sun and full moon near the horizon.


Sunlight travels through a longer distance in the atmosphere at sunset and sunrise.
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